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Athlete Blood Test

Nutrition plans, supplementation, competition scheduling, and recovery plans are NOT one-size-fits-all solution! Each athlete requires a different approach to tapping into their maximum athletic potential. 

Athlete Blood Test (ABT) was founded by Phuel Sports Science, a research entity started in 2008. Performing tests on over 1400 athletes, scientists discovered individual differences in micronutrient utilization, red blood cell turnover, training tolerance and recovery. By identifying specific biomarkers, intracellular markers and metabolite markers through blood draw, scientists identified levels that which athletes require in achieving maximum performance. In doing so, data collected from the ABT can determine an athletes specific nutritional needs based on frequency, duration and intensity of training.  

How it Works

Ordering Your Panel

Step 1. Select a Panel

There are various ABT Panels depending upon an individual's unique needs: 

  • Black Panel

  • Platinum Panel

  • *Gold Panel

    • The Gold Panel is an initial ABT test and is the most popular panel, often referred to as the Baseline Panel or Pre-Season Panel. This panel provides analysis of dietary and supplement needs, training tolerance, recoverability and competition readiness. The results from the Gold Panel can help perfect your nutrition for your best season. 

  • Bronze Panel

After choosing a panel, you will be asked a series of questions to help capture insights unique to you. 

Step 2. Get a Draw

After processing the order, an email notification will be sent with detailed instructions. ABT is partnered with LabCorp who has thousands of locations across the United States that offer free walk-in blood draws (no appointment required). 

Review Process

Step 3. Get Your Results

Once ABT receives the results, an assigned clinical expert with analyze the results and prepare for reporting. Upon thorough analysis, the results and the expert's recommendations will be placed into an simple report.

Here's how: 

  • 1. Test results are compared with ideal ranges developed through evidence-based findings by ABT based on age, gender, and frequency/duration/intensity of training. 

  • 2. Experts review current results, past results and Athlete Questionnaire - containing questions targeted at identifying physiological variables unique to the athlete. 

*Blood test results can be typically reported within 3-7 days depending on the panel ordered. Genetic test results can take up to 6 weeks. 

What's Next?

Upon receiving your results and expert report, SN2Go can assist in transferring the findings into an easy to use sports nutrition approach to maximize your sport performance potential. Contact SN2Go to receive more information.  

Contact Me

6659 Liberty Court

Liberty Township, OH 45044


Tel: (513) 779-6444

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